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Organizational Freak

Hey! That is me! Organizational freak on your hands over here. I have a tendency to put too much on my plate and try to act like I am superwoman who can do ALL THINGS. By doing this I kind of like a crazy hectic life and who knows what I will do one day to the next. People often ask me how do I stay so organized or how do I stay motivated? Well, I am a to-do list QUEEN!

I have a desk calendar at home and at work, a composition book that I write my workouts and nutrition information down and a planner that houses my daily to-do list, my budget and just things I do not want to forget, like events and random to-dos. I tend to write the same thing on most of them but always seeing this to-do list keeps me organized and my mind straight on what needs to happen next. For instance, I am moving at the end of this month and I already have a list of places I need to contact to switch my address. Why? Because this eases my mind of stress and if you know me my mind is constantly spinning with what do I need to do next.

I personally have a hard time shutting down my brain, do you all? Tell me I am not the only one? I am trying to find things that can help me slow down but I have yet to find the RIGHT thing. I love writing this blog which has helped me slow down but at the same time sometimes I am writing it last mind (cough, cough, RIGHT NOW). I am eager to move because I will be able to do house projects which I LOVE. Anything that can use the artsy side of my brain is AMAZING. I already have a to-do list for the new place of: redo kitchen table and benches, find some new pillows for living room, how will I decorate the walls, can we make an entertainment center I like for a decent price instead of purchasing? Although, these things ease my mind while I am doing them right now my brain is spinning with ideas!

What do to-do lists have to do with staying motived? Well, when I see the to-do list I get PUMPED and EXCITED when I can mark something off my list. I also love BUDGETING so it helps me aim towards what I can spend on certain things each month and CAN NOT GO OVER because I set that limit for a reason. This has really helped me slow down some because I used to just go places when I was bored but now I know I cannot spend TOO MUCH at Target so I just stay at home an do school work instead, BRILLIANT!

So the point of this post....if you are struggling with staying on top of things or organized I recommend starting with a weekly to-do list. Put it in front of you and what can you mark off this week that will leave you feeling accomplished? Set a goal to make off a certain amount of to-do's this week and hit it! When we feel accomplished we feel good. If you are struggling getting to the gym enough that could be a to-do : go to the gym 3 times this week. Not only will you feel accomplished but I bet you will feel more energized to get more to-do's done!

Stay focused people and CRUSH THIS WEEK!

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