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March Favorites

We are already three months into TWENTY EIGHTEEN, wow! This year has so far been flying by and I am going to try and start a new trend: sharing my favorites each month with you all! I am not the best at trying new things often because I get stuck in a routine and just keep going back for the same thing. Once I find food that fits my macros, I tend to go back to those foods all the time because it is simple! I am going to try to start branching out to try new errrrrthing! Okay, not everything but new things each month so I can provide you all with some things I am LOVING in case you all like to branch out too, yay!

Don't be alarmed if some sweet ends up in here a lot....... oops! None this month but I tend to have quite the sweet tooth and am not afraid to branch out in that field!

So here is my list of March favorites:

1) ZEVIA: Dr. Zevia is one of my new favorite water substitute. Okay, I don't sub it completely for water but I need a break from water some days and I grab a Zevia. To me these taste just like the real thing but I also do not know the last time I had a Dr. Pepper to compare! These are great substitutes for people who love soda. If you have not tried them yet, you should. Martin's and Krogers both have them in our area and often run sales on them. There are more flavors than Dr. Zevia but I have not tried them all yet. Enjoy!

2) PERFECT BARS: Cashew Blueberry Perfect Bar only needs one word, YUMMM!! This is my favorite perfect bar and I struggle not purchasing them every week at the grocery store. These are definitely not cheap protein bars but they are not filled with crap. When I eat them I usually only eat half because I need to fill my macros with other filling foods like vegetables instead of bars. How do I only eat half, you ask? Well, when I purchase them on Sunday I cut them in half immediately and separate them into different baggies so I do not have the whole bar in my hand when eating them! Locally Martins sells these in the refrigerated organic section!

3) VITAL PROTEINS: Collagen Power has been a new addition to my daily intake over the past couple months. I read up on collagen power and how it helps support your joints, hair, skin and nails. My main focus was to help my joints and that surly has happened. I have definitely seen a difference since I started adding collagen power in my overnight oats. The plus is this particular one has no flavor either so just add it in and you do not even know you are eating it. I have also seen that my nails have grown stronger and quicker. The Co-Op downtown sells this collagen powder and it is available on Amazon.

4) TRADER JOE'S FINDS: The shrimp stir-fry and cauliflower rice stir-fry I posted about a few weeks back was definitely a favorite. These are so easy to fit in my macros and they are so easy to prepare. Jules headed over to Trader Joes last week and picked me up some while she was there so I could restock until my next trip. She is the Thanks Jules for keeping me stocked on some of my Trader Joe's favorites.

5) CYCLING SHOES: One of the best purchases I have made in the last month was my Specialized cycling shoes from Rocktown Bicycles. I was going to cycling classes and could not clip in because I did not have cycling shoes. Now I do not know how I did not clip in. I can feel the difference in my glutes and hamstrings now that I am able to push/pull on the pedals so much better. I never have to worry about my foot slipping off the pedals anymore and I get the full BURN in my whole leg! Also, the color is just as you see below, BRING PINK!

I hope you all get the chance to try some of these things out and tell me how you like them!

Enjoy your wonderful Thursday and the last few days of March!

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