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I like to eat like a king for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks. Okay, every time I eat I want DELICIOUSNESS! I am constantly looking for new snacks or quick meals to make for lunch or dinner. However, a GO TO for dinner is breakfast. It is simple, quick and absolutely delicious, always! Breakfast is also hard to mess up so I can do other things (like make my lunch for the following day) while making my dinner. Yes, I do not like to do one thing at a time.

Meal prep is done every Sunday for me so I struggle not eating what has been made but some nights I just DO NOT feel like eating what I prepared so recently my GO TO has been Kodiak cakes. Have you ever tried Kodiak cakes? They are protein pancake/waffle mix and they are delicious. A friend of mind, Shannon, posted a picture of a stack of pancakes with so many delicious toppings on Sunday and I had them on my mind all week so two nights that following week I made pancakes. If you do not follow Shannon you should; Instagram handle @hangryshan. Go follow her! You will not regret it!

So last week I made breakfast "brekky" for dinner twice because I was hooked on the Kodiak cakes and I just LOVE breakfast! Both nights wer different though since I count my macros. One night had more carbs available than the other. More carbs = pure maple SYRUP!

So here is my recipe and a lovely picture of my pancakes (thanks Shannon for the inspiration):

1 cups Kodiak cakes

1 egg in the Kodiak cake dry mixture

Water (I like to use minimal water because I like my batter to be a little thicker)


50g banana

16g melted Barney’s almond butter

A splash of pure maple syrup

You can top your pancakes anyway you like this is just what I did this specific night to hit all my macros and have a YUMMY dinner all at the same time! :)


P.S. I heard there are pumpkin flavored Kodiak cakes right now, say what?!

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