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Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people. I'm thankful I have found those people to share life with every day!

I know I've talked about it before oh #ohhappyday but I love to laugh; loudly, uncontrollably and so much that it makes my cheeks and stomach hurt. I seriously do not know something better in life and because of the optimistic, funny and awesome people I hang out with, I get to laugh a lot.

The people in my life brighten my days. This past weekend I took a trip to Lynchburg to visit Kirb! Kirby and I met back in 8th grade through AAU basketball, which are still some of my best and favorite memories. Although I do not keep in touch with everyone from the AAU team on a regular basis last summer we had a reunion and it was AWESOME to catch up with the crew. I am thankful that I have been able to keep up with so many of them and still spend weekends with the Kirb after so many years!

This weekend we got to go somewhere I never have before when visiting and that was their cabin near the national forest. It was nothing short of amazing. No cell service, sunshine, hiking and all of nature's sounds and creatures! It was so relaxing to go up there with Kirb, her dad and Milo to go on a walk up the trail, through some water and enjoy catching up. Their cabin and location is just flat out awesome!

When Kirb and I get together we do a lot of eating, shopping, laughing and movie watching! This weekend we did just that + the cabin. It ends up being a relaxing weekend full of new stories and old memories. I got to try out a couple new places this time and they did not disappoint! We went to lunch at a delicious salad joint called The Leaf and followed that up with a PM pick me up from the Bean Tree Cafe where I purchased a coffee float. Yes, you heard that right a cold brew coffee float so they put the cold brew coffee over a scoop of ice cream! YUMMMM!

I love getting to catch up with Kirby and reminisce on all the old memories we have together; we have A LOT of memories. Oh the times that Kirby and I have had and how unforgettable that are/will be.

Thanks for a fun trip Kirb and cannot wait to see you again in AUGUST!

Hope you all had a wonderful relaxing weekend!

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