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Happy day after Easter! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. It is Monday, are you ready for the week ahead? I personally have every meal prepared for Monday to Thursday and I am ready to tackle this week. You are reading this right after I have finished coaching my boot camp classes at 6 and 7 so I am already working on CRUSHING this week, yasssss!

This weekend = a lot of ME time with some friends and family time splashed in between and it was nothing short of FABULOUS!

Just as important as it is to spend time with your family you must also take care of yourself. I struggle slowing down and taking me time and this weekend I got just that. This was the first weekend in a LONG time that I have had a lot of "free" time to myself. I spent a lot of the weekend alone, chilling on the sofa, netflixing and not counting my macros. Mentally this was needed for me. I get to the point when the littlest things start to irritate me, this is rare but it happens. When this starts to happen I know it is time for me to take a break and slow down.

Friday night I did the usual CrossFitting with pals followed by food, ice cream and netflixing until I feel asleep on the sofa.

Saturday started no differently than Friday night; food, fitness, friends and Netflix. I was scheduled for a massage at 1:00 at Bluestone Bodyworks and boy was that massage needed. Taryn is a rockstar and worked out my sore muscles for TWO hours, praise! Of course, it didn't go completely smooth as I decided to leave Rubi's top back and mid-massage had to run outside in the rain to put her top back on. Thanks Taryn for your help. :)

Following the massage I relaxed for four hours and then met up with a bunch of friends at Clementines for dinner. It was good to see everyone that was home for Easter. Topped off the night with me meeting the sofa, again!

I met my mom and Lynn at Cranberry's on Sunday before brunch with the rest of the clan at MillStreet Grille. We enjoyed a Sunday Easter brunch together before I headed back to Harrisonburg. My Sunday evening was spent visiting Brandy & Lindsay before a quick trip to the park and grocery store and more "me" time. To top off the whole weekend I spent Sunday night at dads catching up on Prison Break before it was time to hit the hay for a full day ahead.

This weekend was exactly what was needed to get back on track and clear my head for the week ahead. The house to myself, the weekend spent relaxing and time sent with family and friends was the medicine I needed.

Remember to always take care of yourself, too. Give yourself a pep talk here and there if you need to!


Hope your day is amazing!

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