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Another weekend of celebrating, adventuring, goal setting, planning and laughing has passed and all I can do is smile! I tend to try and fit everything I can in every weekend because my FOMO (fear of missing out) kicks in hard core! Who else has FOMO or am I the only one?!

This weekend I celebrated the last open workout, an evening with the girls, my cousin's upcoming wedding, adventured through the woods with my pals and a nakey Rubi (no doors or top on my jeep) and this was all just Friday night and Saturday! Sunday involved a lot of preparing for the week, A TON of coffee, goal setting and relaxing.

Today I am thankful; thankful for the opportunity to do all that I do with my friends and family. Friday night I was able to spend time with many important people in my life, and although I had no intentions of being up until midnight I wouldn't take that back for anything. The night was full of laughs, fitness, food and catching up with my amazing girlfriends I do not get to see often. I went to bed that night full of happiness.

Saturday started off with family and friends celebrating my cousin Ashley at her bridal shower that my mom did an awesome job putting together. Ashley gets married in May, and it was so awesome to get to spend the morning showering her with love along side of a lot of family and friends that I do not get to see often. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in other activities that I forget how long it has been since I have seen someone or taken time to send them a simple "hello" message, so being together with extended family Saturday morning definitely made my heart feel a little more full this weekend.

It was a beautiful day Saturday here in Virginia, so I spent some time outside getting some Vitamin D, and that is just what I did with gym pals who have become family to me! We undressed Rubi and headed up to the Shenandoah National Park to go on a hike. It was my first time having the doors off Rubi and it was awesome. I finally got to use a Christmas present from The Jenkins; my mirrors for the jeep when the doors are off, THANK YOU ALL they were perfect! The hike was beautiful and fun, as always. We went to South River Falls but whenever you go to a waterfall that means you have to hike back up at some point and that last leg of the hike was quite the "active recovery." I was definitely feeling my workout from Friday night, sucking wind too! :)

To top off the weekend I got to watch Ryan redo 17.5 on Sunday and CRUSH his score from Friday and I came home from the gym to a surprise pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream from my friend, Q, who dropped by while he was in town but sadly I was not home.

What a weekend I had and it was awesome to be home for two weekends in a row. I love to travel but it is also nice to be home on Sunday and get fully prepared for the week ahead so that I can go full force with no distractions ... although some weeks get the best of me!

I hope you all had an absolutely amazing weekend!

HAPPY MONDAY! Enjoy your day!

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