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First off, Happy St. Patrick's Day!

It is FriYay and this weekend I'm staying home, say what?! For the past two open workouts, I have traveled to PA and Roanoke to take on these workouts with Regina. However, this weekend I will be staying at home and doing the workout at CrossFit Harrisonburg.

Well, it is that time again; my CrossFit open recap for the week.

When Dave Castro (CrossFit Games director) said, "snatch ladder" Thursday night I was instantly pumped, then he threw in chest to bar pull ups but broke it into smaller sets and I didn't hate it.

Here was the 17.3 workout:

8:00 to complete

3 Rounds

6 chest to bar pull ups

6 squat snatches (65#)

3 Rounds

7 chest to bar pull ups

5 squat snatches (95#)

if you finished those in 8:00 you had until 12:00 to complete

3 Rounds

8 chest to bar pull ups

4 squat snatches (135#)

if you finished those in 12:00 you had until 16:00 to complete

3 Rounds

9 chest to bar pull ups

3 squat snatches (155#)

if you finished those in 16:00 you had until 20:00 to complete

3 Rounds

10 chest to bar pull ups

2 squat snatches (175#)

if you finished those in 20:00 you had until 24:00 to complete

11 chest to bar pull ups

1 squat snatch (185#)

For 17.3, I was lined up to go head to head with Regina at CrossFit Unify Roanoke to start their Friday Night Lights. I was antsy about this workout all day and pretty sure my adrenaline had been pumping since 7:00 a.m. I arrived at the gym, stretched out and got warm to go around 6:00 p.m. Unify had an awesome crowd there for their Friday Night Lights and their members were so supportive through the whole workout. It is awesome to travel to another gym and still get so much support as you tackle the workout. THANK YOU UNIFY COMMUNITY!

My goal for this workout was to make it to that 175# barbell. Well, that did not go as planned, but does the workout ever go as planned?! The 135# round hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew I had worked myself up all day and the nerves were rolling as I started the workout, but I guess I have never tested the combination of chest to bar and heavy snatches like that. The combination lit my lower back up, but I was determined to make that 155# barbell. With literally two seconds left before the 12:00 mark, I stood up for the final rep at 135# to advance to the next round ... I have to keep myself and everyone on their toes! I ended up only completing one round at 155# + 6 chest to bar. Of course, not what I wanted but again not unsatisfied considering many different factors.

Obviously, I was going to try to redo this workout on Monday. So I did minimal working out on Saturday and Sunday, as my body was saying "NO" and I was fighting off a viral infection. I had rested and "thought" I was ready on Monday but my back said otherwise. I got through the 65# barbell fine but then I started to feel my back in the 95# snatches. I went on to finish the three rounds at 95# but only got 3 reps in at the 135# barbell before I decided to call it as my back was completely against me redoing this workout, which stinks because I was on a good pace having my "back room homies" and dad cheer me on. Always thankful to have them in my corner!

However, with my score of 126 I was able to move up 20 spots in the Mid-Atlantic putting me in 104 at the end of week three. Again, my goal of 2017 is TOP 100 so going to push these final two weeks to do everything I can to reach that goal.

Hope you all have a magnificent day and GOOD LUCK to those tackling 17.4 today! THREE DOWN, TWO TO GO!

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